Seismic velocity structures in the Taiwan orogen
Seismic velocity structures from the independent data sets of the TAIGER and other projects (over 2,500 temporary seismic stations used in the study)
Tomographic Inversion with the data of the active- and passive- sources to better constrain the shallow structure.
Two crustal roots observed beneath the Central and Coastal Ranges due to the collision between the two plates.

Kuo-Chen, H., F. T. Wu, and S. W. Roecker (2012) Three-Dimensional P Velocity Structures of the Lithosphere Beneath Taiwan from the Analysis of TAIGER and Related Seismic Data sets, JGR, doi: 10.1029/2011JB009108.
Wu, F. T., and H. Kuo-Chen, K. McIntosh (2014) Subsurface imaging, TAIGER experiments and tectonic models of Taiwan, J. Asian Earth Sci., doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2014.03.024. (Review paper)