2020.08.11-13 簡便式地震感測器教育訓練



Comparative Studies of the Tectonophysics of Taiwan and West-Ireland Orogenies workshop II

Comparative Studies of the Tectonophysics of Taiwan and West-Ireland Orogenies workshop II

2018 Jan. 15 (Mon.) at Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei

2018 Jan. 19 (Fri.) at National Dong Hwa University, Hualien

Organized by:

Dept. Earth Sciences, National Central University

Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica

Dept. Natural Resource & Environmental studies, National Dong Hwa University


Earth Science Research Promotion Center

Chinese Taipei Geophysical Society

ZLand 3C 地震儀模組教育訓練 (2016.10.24~10/28)

10/24 Day 1 (9:00am-5:00pm)

Hardware Components

ZLand Field Equipment

ZLand Management System

ZLandManagement System

System Configuration

Software Configuration

HMC description

Spread Management Description

10/25 Day 2 (9:00am-5:00pm)

ZLandManagement System

Job Creation

Using Test Management

Spread Management GIS Operation

10/26 Day 3 (9:00am-5:00pm)


Job Creation

Using Test Management

Spread Management GIS Operation

10/27-10/28 Day 4 and Day 5




Irish workshop-Travel Expense

Travel expense Estimation:
(15 people join this field trip, Francis and Taiwanese folk share the travel expense of Paul Ryan and John Dewey)
(Dennis, Cristina, and Bob will pay their own expense)
Hotel (Convent Guest House, www.theconvent.ie)
70  (per person) x  8 (days) =     560  Euro
Rental Bus
2590 /15 = 173 Euro/person
Total:                      733     Euro/person
Sharing hotel fee for (Ryan and Dewey)
70  x  2  x  8  = 1120 Euro
Airfare (Dewey)
170 Euro
173 x 2 = 346 Euro
 Total sharing expense for Ryan and Dewey
1120 + 170 + 346 = 1636 Euro
Francis shares 818 Euro
Taiwanese folk share 818 Euro (91 Euro/person)
Dennis, Cristina, and Bob : 733  Euro
Francis : 733 + 818 = 1551 Euro
Taiwanese folk : 733 + 91 = 824 Euro  (NT 29697 /person)

 Field guide (by Paul Ryan and John Dewey):

Flight information
Hao-Tsu Chu, Central Geological Survey, Taiwan
Yuan-Hsi Lee, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
Wei Lo, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
Jian-Cheng Lee, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Yu-Chang Chan, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Chih-Tung Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Ruey-Juin Rau, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
Hao Kuo-Chen, National Central University, Taiwan (* not the same returning Flight)
9/1  BR87  Taoyuan (23:30) – Paris (07:35 +1)
9/2  EI521     Paris (10:20) – Dublin (11:05)
9/10 EI608    Dublin (13:40) – Amsterdam (16:15)
9/10 BR76 Amsterdam (21:40) – Taoyuan (19:50 +1)

Chin-Ho Tsai, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
9/1  KL808  Taoyuan (23:40) – Amsterdam (06:45 +1)
9/2  KL3155  Amsterdam  (10:30) – Dublin (11:05)
9/10 KL3158   Dublin (13:40) – Amsterdam (16:15)
9/10 BR76 Amsterdam (21:40) – Taoyuan (19:50 +1)

Francis Wu
8/31 Chicago (18:10)-Dublin (07:50 +1 )
Dennis Brown and Cristina Biete
Arrive at 12:30
Bob Wintsch , John Dewey, and Paul Ryan
by Car

Food Preference:

Chih-Tung Chen, vegetarian

Francis Visit

8/6 (Sat.)

arrive (Stay IES)


8/7 (Sun.)

arrive (Stay IES)


8/8 (Mon.)


go to Hualien by train (10:08 170 松山-花蓮);


Visit 顏君毅 and field trip

Dinner with 顏君毅’s group

stay at 東華 guesthouse (booked)


8/9 (Tue.)


Visit 蔡金河

Lunch with  蔡金河’s group


workshop at 東華 (2pm);


dinner with young geoscientists;

stay at 村上春樹民宿 (booked)


8/10 (Wed.)


seismics with C.-Y. Wang;


visit Chruch

stay at 東華 guesthouse (booked)


8/11 (Thur.)


back to Taipei (10:13 271 花蓮-松山);


Visit 張建興與何俊瑋

dinner with 張建興與何俊瑋

stay at IES (booked)

8/12 (Fri.)

Irish workshop;

stay at IES (booked)


stay at IES (booked)


8/15 (Mon.) 

visit NCU (talk with 陳建志);  

stay at IES (booked)


8/16 (Tue.)


E-TEC workshop for Young Geoscientists

會議時間: 2016.Aug.09  2:00 pm








吳大銘 教授 (Binghamton University & University of Southern California)

王乾盈 特聘教授 (中央大學)



Session I (~30 分鐘): 與會人員自我介紹 (3分鐘,一頁投影片)

Session II (~60 分鐘): 台灣地震相關觀測及未來研究簡介

Break (15 分鐘)

Session III: 綜合討論

晚宴: 展望未來酒會-居南邨57號 (夢想家)



Session I :自我介紹

 人員 單位 專長
林哲民 國研院國震中心副研究員 強地動
郭俊翔 國研院國震中心副研究員 強地動
溫士忠 國研院國震中心副研究員


李奕亨 工研院綠能所經理 地熱、北部山區地物觀測
廖彥喆 工研院綠能所研究員 地震
賴雅娟 中研院地球所博士後研究員(大屯火山觀測站) 表面波地震學與火山訊號分析
謝獻祥 台大海研所博士後研究員 陸海重磁
趙韋安 台大地質獨立博士後研究員 山崩地震學
康竹君 中央大學地科系博士後研究員 應用衛星雷達差分干涉量測地殼變形
孫維芳 東華大學自然資源與環境研究院博士生 地震


Session II : 台灣地震相關觀測及未來研究簡介

1. 台灣東部地震中心資料現況簡介-孫維芳,張文彥(8min)
2. 台灣東部GPS觀測網現況-張有和 (8 min)
3. 國家地震中心觀測網及EEWS推動現況-林哲民,郭俊翔, 溫士忠 (8 min)
4. 大屯火山觀測網及未來發展-賴雅娟, 林正洪 (8 min)
5. 台灣北部及東部地震觀測網-廖彥喆, 李奕亨、孫維芳, 溫士忠 (8 min)
6. 科技部防災應科方案簡介-廖宏儒 (8 min)
7. 地震訊號在崩塌監測之整合應用-趙韋安 (8 min)
8. 台灣東部地體構造地球物理整合性研究-郭陳澔, 王乾盈, 吳大銘 (8 min)
9. 國研院海科中心OBS發展現況-林佩瑩, 張文彥 (3 min)

Session III:綜合討論

引言 : 林正洪, 郭陳澔

建議與指導: 王乾盈, 吳大銘

結論 : 張文彥


Lastest Updated: 2016.Jul.28

Comparative Studies of the Tectonophysics of Taiwan and West-Ireland Orogenies workshop


With the advances made in recent years on surface geology, subsurface geophysical velocity/electrical-resistivity imaging and geodesy, among others, Taiwan has become one of the best studied active orogens. We are now in a position to pose and test hypotheses of how Taiwan evolved as a mountainous island in the recent few million years. As a young structure, however, the materials under the mountain ranges are not totally exposed; thus additional constraints are need in interpreting available observations in terms of minerals and rocks and the ongoing geological processes. To explore possible orogenic models we may resort to reexamination and comparison of other, and especially, old orogenic belts, some of which are deeply eroded and thus the materials in the core of the mountains are now exposed. On the other hand, for the Taiwan orogen our knowledge of the plate tectonic framework, the subsurface structures under various parts of the orogen, the kinematics of the orogeny based on earthquake mechanisms and GPS measurements, the possible rheological properties of the crust or even current temperature in the core of the mountains provide clues of conditions at depth during the active phase of orogeny. By using “the present” (i.e., Taiwan) as “a key to the past” and the “past” (the exposed core of old orogens) as “a key to the depth” is the best we can do to improve our knowledge for mountain building as a whole.

One of the ancient arc-continental orogens that appears to share several common tectonic characteristics with Taiwan is the west Ireland Lough Nafooey (arc)-Laurentian margin collision (the Grampian orogeny) (Figs. 1 and 2). It took place in early-mid Ordovician (475-462 m.y. bp). From each of the mountains around the world, depending on the age and degree of erosion we may compare field evidence and distill/test ideas concerning detailed geological processes of orogeny. While the materials internal to the different provinces of the ancient (inactive) orogen provide examples of what could be underneath the Taiwan orogen, the rheological properties of the crust gained from seismic data.

Location: Ireland

Date:  3rd to 9th September, 2016

Pre-Workshop: 10 am, 12th August (Fri.), 2016 (Seminar room, 6F, IES, Taipei, Taiwan)

Papers for discussion at pre-workshop:

1. Paul Ryan, 2007, Preservation of forearc basins during island arc–continent collision: Some insights from the Ordovician of western Ireland.

2. Paul Ryan and John Dewey, 2004, The South Connemara Group reinterpreted: a subduction-accretion complex in the Caledonides of Galway Bay, western Ireland.


1. Taiwan and western Ireland orogenies and understanding of mountain building in general (Francis Wu)

2: Field trip logistics (Hao Kuo-Chen)

3. “Typical” Taiwan cross sections from Coastal Range to Coastal Plain and comparative sections of west Ireland from literature by Ryan, Dewey etc. (paper reviews)

4. Summary: Key factors to explore in comparing Taiwan and western Ireland  (Yuan-hsi Lee)

      (papers: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B-EDE3vF4TuoSHFiVUdPTWt1Zjg)

Workshop Agenda (9/3~9/9)

Date Schedule
9/3 Presentation and Discussion
9/4 Field work (290 km):

Leenane- loop around south of Achill Island – Bellmullet (Scotchport Bay near Erris Head) – Leenane

9/5 Field work (102 km):

Leenane – Louisburgh – Roonagh Quay – Westport – Leenane

9/6 Field work (55 km):

Leenane – Finny – Glensaul – Leenane

9/7 Field work (40 km):

Leenane – Letterfrack – Rosroe – Leenane

9/8 Field work (110 km):

Leenane – Maam – Maam Cross – Glencoaghan (we might have to miss this depending on the coach size) – Clifden – Alcock Brown Monument – Ballyconneely – Letterfrack -Leenane

9/9 Field work (140 km):

Leenane – Maam Cross – Costelloe – Carraroe – Lettermullen – Leenane


Presentation on 9/3

Time Presenter Title
9:00-9:20 Hao-Tsu Chu, Central Geological Survey Recent progress on the study of pseudotachylite
9:20-9:40 Yuan-Hsi Lee, National Chung Cheng University A major out of sequence fault in Center Range and its implication to mountain building process of Taiwan orogeny
9:40-10:00 Jian-Cheng Lee, Academia Sinica Architecture and slip behaviors of the Longitudinal Valley fault system in eastern Taiwan
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-10:50 Yu-Chang Chan, Academia Sinica Towards high-resolution geological mapping using recent technological methods
10:50-11:10 Chih-Tung Chen, National Taiwan University Complex accretion history of continental margin sediments in the Taiwan Orogen: prolonged wedge thickening through basal accretion revealed by thermal-chronological constraints from the slate terrain
11:10-11:30 Chin-Ho Tsai, National Dong Hwa University New P-T and geochronological constraints on high-pressure metamorphic rocks in the Yuli belt, eastern Taiwan
11:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-13:50 Ruey-Juin Rau, National

Cheng Kung University

Spatial and temporal stress permutation in Taiwan

13:50-14:10 Wei Lo, National Taipei University of Technology Development of slaty cleavage and its tectonic significance in Suao, northern Taiwan
14:10-14:30 Hao Kuo-Chen, National Central University Seismic evidence for the a-b quartz transition beneath Taiwan from Vp/Vs tomography
14:30-15:00 Break
15:00-16:00 Discussion and conclusion (leaded by Francis Wu)
16:00-17:00 Introduction to Field work (Paul Ryan, Dennis Brown, and John Dewey)



Convent Guest House (www.theconvent.ie)

Bed, breakfast, packed lunch and a 2 course evening meal (main course plus choice of either starter or sweet) at the Blackberry Restaurant. (€70 per person per day)



A small Bus:  €2590 (include airport pickup and drop off)  gasoline €??

Pick up at 13:30 pm on 9/2 (Driver: Pat Lydon)

The coach driver’s mobile is:  +353 87 2673126



1. Francis Wu, Binghamton Uni., USA (Convener)

  1. Bob Wintsch, Indiana University, USA

3. John Dewey, Uni. College Oxford, UK (field trip organizer)

  1. Paul Ryan, National University of Ireland, Ireland  (field trip organizer)
  2. Dennis Brown, Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra “Jaume Almera”, CSIC, Spain  (field trip organizer)
  3. Cristina Biete, Instituto de Ciencias de la Tierra “Jaume Almera”, CSIC,  Spain
  4. Hao-Tsu Chu, Central Geological Survey, Taiwan
  5. Yuan-Hsi Lee, National Chung Cheng University, Taiwan
  6. Jian-Cheng Lee, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  7. Yu-Chang, Chan, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
  8. Chih-Tung Chen, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  9. Chin-Ho Tsai, National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
  10. Ruey-Juin Rau, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
  11. Wei Lo, National Taipei University of Technology, Taiwan
  12. Hao Kuo-Chen, National Central University, Taiwan


Travel Info

Last Updated: August.12.2016