Install Insaseis on MacOS (py3)

conda裡面的pysiede2沒有包qt binary,要執行instaseis的GUI會造成.ui無法編譯。
若用pip去裝pyside2,生活變得更簡單。 cela vous simplifiera la vie

If we want to launch instaseis GUI, install Pyside2 from pip instead of conda.

python3 environment
conda create --name py37 python=3.7
conda activate py37

pip install instaseis
pip install PySide2
pip install pyqtgraph
conda install -c anaconda basemap
python -m instaseis.gui

UPDATE 18/11/2020:
On macOS Big Sur, add the following command to make qt work again.

Time-lapse video for delay-time kernel

Author: Li-Yu Kan (1) & Li Zhao (2)
(1) Department of Earth Sciences, National Central University, Taoyuan, Taiwan
(2) School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

A movie showing the Vp and Vs delay-time kernel. Made with mc kernel.


Source depthStation DistanceLink
500 km105 deg
100 km150 deg
20 km60 deg

High-pass 100s filtered (zero phase)

Source depthStation DistanceLink
500 km105 deg
500 km
130 deg
100 km150 deg
100 km180 deg
20 km105 deg(not finished)

Draw the outline of the text in GMT

While we choose a bright color for filling the text, a black outline is usually used to emphasize it (or it is unnoticeable). For plotting text on the canvas, we would immediately come up with pstext. But when we want to depict the outline of the text, there is no intuitive way or independent arguments for this. The -G and -W of pstext are actually for the background textbox rather than the text itself. Here, we provide two methods to achieve this: append =<pen> to the font specification in pstext or use psxy -Sl to plot the outline of the text.


Plot SAC with pssac in the cartesian time axis

photo_2019-03-20 18.19.24

After the release of GMT5.3.0, pssac has been included into the GMT package. PSSAC operates a more convenient way than pswiggle or psxy to plot with SAC file (a common file format used in seismology community). We no longer have to convert SAC files into XY files and plot them by sorting them manually. PSSAC provides several types of regular profile like sorting by azimuth, epicentral distance, or user-defined profile through -E arguments. However, there is no direct argument in -E to plot such a figure with a cartesian time of X-axis (or Y if given -Q). In this article, we provide the trick for plotting SAC file in an axis of time.
